Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gluten Free Microwave Bread in a Mug

Gluten Free Bread Microwaved in a Coffee Mug!
Gluten Free Microwave Bread in a Mug! Yes, single serve gluten free fresh bread when you want it! You can add different flavors to customize it. I love this recipe because I am not a person that eats bread daily and I hate to buy a loaf of bread and have it wasted. I don't care for bread once it has been frozen so that really limits me. Plus when I am on vacation, I can whip up a fresh personal loaf whenever I want it in just a few minutes in the microwave! I just travel with a small bag of gluten free flour (like Betty Crocker or Trader Joe's versions) and I take a little travel size packet of xanthan gum and baking powder and those are my basics for my gluten free personal sized bread loaf. If I am traveling on vacation, I just snag a couple of packets of sugar and salt from a restaurant so I have it at the condo/hotel. You will need one egg per loaf but I almost always have eggs so that isn't an issue for me. Most of the condos/hotels that I have stayed in have a mini-fridge. You can make this bread without oil but I prefer a teaspoon of margarine, butter or oil....if you are on vacation then grab a butter packet at a restaurant. I always ask the waitress or cashier and they always give me a couple.

I have learned to live my life without bread for the most part. Sometimes when traveling to beach locations (or hiking trips), I like to have a peanut butter sandwich like everyone else. I hate to be "high maintenance" and pack a different type of lunch. This quick gluten free microwave bread recipe allows me to make a quick personal loaf of bread so that I can pack a sandwich too! This will be great for my upcoming trip to Hawaii with my siblings. I want to keep my suitcase light and travel smart. I hate to spend time shopping for specialty groceries for me (not only are they extremely expensive but shopping is time consuming) and it is wasteful if it doesn't get eaten. I can make a personal loaf when and if I need it. This recipe only takes a few minutes total so I can make it while everyone else is showering. Yep, it is that quick! I like to toast it if I am eating it for breakfast but it makes a decent sandwich for lunches too. I have always eaten it the same day so I am not sure how long it will keep or what the texture would be like a couple days later.

I have made the bread plain and if you add sugar it reminds me of Hawaiian rolls which I really like. Slightly sweet. You can leave the sugar out and substitute it with flour. I have also added cinnamon + a tiny box of raisins (about 2 tbs) for raisin bread. I have also used dried cranberries and walnuts. I have added dried rosemary or Italian seasonings for a savory bread if I am making it at home. You can pretty much customize it to whatever flavors you really like. I have also used the personal bread loaf as a base for a personal pizza. It is kind of like using french bread or bagels as your pizza base. ("Bagel Bites Pizza" idea) You just top it with pizza sauce, cheese and your favorite pizza toppings and bake until toasty and cheese is melted. It is great when you are in the mood for a quick, gluten free pizza snack without all the fuss. You can slice the bread into small round slices or you can slice it lengthwise for a sandwich - hoagie bun size.

The idea of microwave bread in a mug came to me when I was experimenting with coffee mug microwave personal chocolate cakes. I tried a few different recipes and several of them had a bread like texture. Hmmmm.....if I tweaked it just a little then I could have a personal loaf of bread any time I wanted. I liked the concept. I'm still experimenting with flavors and different flour blends. Although the texture is a little heavier than traditional yeast can't beat convenience of this super quick & easy bread and let's face is very economical! I am not saying this is the absolute best gluten free bread...I am just saying that I really like it for a quick personal loaf without a lot of fuss. Who wants to drag out a bread maker or heavy duty mixer when you just want a personal loaf? This is also quick for busy mom's that need a quick breakfast or bread for a child on a gluten free diet. It takes just as long as making oatmeal in the microwave! This bread can also be made into French toast! Come easy is that! (Not to mention that if you cut the bread into the round circles then it makes super cute French toast!)

Gluten Free Microwave Bread in a Mug Recipe:
  • 8 tbs. gluten free flour blend (I used Betty Crocker Gluten Free blend today. I have also used Trader Joe's brand, Cup 4 Cup brand, Hodgson Mill brand and my own gluten free flour blend. They all worked fine. I personally liked my gluten free flour blend and the cup 4 cup brand best. You can find my recipe for gluten free flour blend below). When traveling, I found it easier to take the smaller bags of flour like Trader Joe's or Betty Crocker Gluten Free Flour. I find it easier to go through security lines at the airport with the flour in the original package so I pack new small bag of gluten free flour! (I did not try Bisquick Gluten Free Baking Mix since I did not want a biscuit texture).
  • 1 tbs. sugar (I used raw sugar but you can use regular sugar)
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  • pinch of xanthan gum or guar gum if your gluten free flour mix doesn't already contain it (I used 1/16 tsp. which is half of 1/8 teaspoonful. It is literally a tiny amount!)
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbs. milk (you can substitute almond milk, soy milk, rice milk or water if you have a dairy allergy)
  • 1 teaspoon butter, margarine or oil
  • (you can add optional seasonings if you want like cinnamon, Italian blend, Rosemary or dried fruit like raisins or cranberries. I would limit the amount of dried fruit to about 2-3 tbs)
Mix the egg, milk and butter or oil together with a fork. Stir in flour, sugar, baking powder & salt (xanthan gum or guar gum if you need to use it).  Pour into a microwave safe coffee mug. You can even mix it in the coffee mug if you have to. I just like to lightly coat my coffee mug with cooking spray or butter/oil so the bread loaf pops out really easy. I have done it without the grease coating and it works okay too but just a little more work getting it out of the mug. Microwave on high for 90 seconds. I usually take a look at it and if still looks uncooked on the top then I toss it back into the microwave for additional 20-30 seconds. You don't want gummy bread. On the other hand, don't over bake it either or you will get a rubbery texture. Cool slightly and enjoy it warm, cold or toasted!

My Homemade Gluten Free Flour Blend Recipe:
  • 1 1/2 cups brown rice flour
  • 1 cup white rice flour (I used sweet rice flour for this batch)
  • 1/2 cup glutinous rice flour (made from sticky rice, gluten free)
  • 1 cup potato starch (not flour)
  • 1/2 cup nonfat dry milk, make sure it is very fine in texture
  • 1 cup corn starch or tapioca starch (I used tapioca starch for this batch)
  • 3 tbs. xanthan gum
Combine all ingredients together well. You can put it in the blender for an extra smooth texture if desired. I store mine in a glass container and use it in place of regular flour in all my recipes. This particular blend I really like for baked sweet goods and breads. (Note: if using my homemade gluten free flour blend you will not need to add additional xanthan gum to your recipe since this batch already contains it!)

Hawaiian Sweet Bread (added the sugar)

Plain white bread (only added a pinch of sugar and substituted the sugar listed in recipe with flour)

Raisin Bread Version. Added 2 tbs. raisins with 1 tbs. cinnamon

Up close view of my sliced raisin bread. It was delicious with strong coffee! :)

I hope you enjoy my very casual, very simple recipe for a personal loaf of bread made in the microwave. I would love to hear any substitutions or additions that you tried!

Gluten Free Casually


  1. Just saw this on Pinterest and had to stop by to check it out! It's ingenious :) I'd love it if you'd consider sharing this on my blog's weekly GF link party, Waste Not Want Not Wednesday - a place to link up gf recipes and frugal, eco-friendly tips.

    1. I think I added my link correctly to your blog's link party. Feel free to use any of my recipes on your blog. I'm all about sharing tips & recipes with anyone that needs them! :) I also checked out your blog and loved it!

  2. I would LOVE to share on your blog! Thanks for asking! :)

  3. I've made a similar recipe to this but never thought about the add-ins. What a great way to change up a basic quick recipe! I'll be giving some of them a try.

  4. I also made my husband a "cinnamon roll version" of this. I just added about 1 tablespoon cinnamon, replaced 2 tbs. of the flour with sugar. Spooned half of it into a mug then sprinkled cinnamon sugar on top then put the remaining dough on top. Microwaved for 90 seconds. Frosted with powdered sugar and milk glaze. He loved it. Quick, easy and gluten free! :)

  5. Grateful for this, perfect for a senior who lives alone.

  6. 0Terri: Glad you found the recipe helpful. I find it to come in handy especially when traveling or a quick breakfast. :)

  7. Oh wonderful ~ I'm the only GF bod in our house, and a whole GF loaf goes stale before I can eat it. And so quick to make and cook ~ I do love my bread!!

  8. thank you so much for coming up with this so easy and so delicious tastes like english muffin i am planning on trying all of your recipes :)

  9. Thank you! I am glad you liked it! I try to keep my recipes fairly simple and inexpensive for us busy cooks! :)

  10. How long will the bread keep? Or do you have to eat it all at once?

  11. I usually eat the bread right away or within a day of making it in the microwave. Since I only use this recipe to make a single serving or two at a time....I can't honestly answer how long it will keep. I assume if you kept it in the refrigerator it would keep for at least a week.

  12. I'm not one for following to the letter, I came across this recipe whilst looking for microwave bread, and just used the basic amounts with what I had to hand. 1 egg 8 spoons of self raising flour 1 spoon olive oil and 3 spoons semi skimmed milk. 5 minutes later I had butter dripping off my chin from a perfectly wonderful warm slice of bread with a feta cheese topping and 2 slices left over for my packed lunch tomorrow (if it lasts that long because I can hear it calling).
    Thank you

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed this! This is my "go to" recipe when I go on a vacation trip and a microwave is available! I love that you are creative and take a basic recipe and convert it to what you have on hand! Sometimes the BEST recipes come from substitutions! Thanks for your comments! :)
