Sunday, July 28, 2013

Judi's Peach Crisp

My dear friend Judi had us over for dinner at their house the other night. I love going to their house for dinner because I never have to stress about things containing gluten. She is a great cook and adapts her recipes to gluten free for me.  Although I absolutely loved her pulled pork, I am going to feature her peach crisp recipe today since it is peach season. My mouth is watering right now thinking how delicious a piece of peach crisp would taste this morning with my coffee! My waistline is thankful that I don't have a leftover piece!

As with any crisp or cobbler recipe, you can use pretty much any type of fruit. My favorite is peach but you can use apple, pear, rhubarb, berries, concord grapes and even dried fruits like raisins. The recipe is very forgiving so substituting gluten free flour and even sugar free sweetener is acceptable. The recipe can be doubled for a larger crowd or if you just want leftovers. You can also substitute frozen or canned fruit. (Fresh always tastes best to me but I sure wouldn't turn down a slice made with just about any fruit!) Of course if you don't have a gluten allergy then you can just substitute regular flour! My recipes are not just for gluten free people...these were originally adapted from regular recipes so of course you can use regular flour! :)

Here is how Judi made her delicious peach crisp:

Peach Crisp Recipe:
  • 4 cups of fresh peaches (skins & pits removed and peaches sliced thin)
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (or substitute sugar free sweetener). You may need to add additional 1/4 to 1/2 cup of sugar or sweetener if your peaches are not really sweet!
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (you can substitute tapioca starch)
  • 1/2 cup real butter or margarine (at least 65% fat margarine or else it will contain too much water).  You can substitute coconut oil or crisco in place of the butter if you prefer. 
  • 1 1/4 cup gluten free baking mix or flour (Judi used Arrowhead Mills gluten free baking mix)
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
Place the 4 cups of sliced peaches into a saucepan with 1/2 cup sugar or sweetener (if your peaches are not sweet then you may need to add additional sugar) until peaches soften slightly. Add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch or tapioca starch and cook until slightly thick. Pour into 8x8 greased baking dish. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Meanwhile, make the topping by combining the softened butter with gluten free flour and brown sugar with a fork or pastry blender until crumbly. (If it isn't forming crumbs then add a little more flour). Taste test the crumb mixture to make sure it is sweet enough for you. If you like it a little sweeter then add a little more brown sugar. You can also add cinnamon but we all decided to skip the cinnamon with peaches although we like it with apple or raisins.

Peaches with sugar and cornstarch, ready for topping

Fresh from the oven. See the crispy topping? Yummy!

Ready to eat!

Another helping please! :)

Even more delicious topped with Cool Whip or Vanilla Ice Cream! :)

I hope you enjoy this super easy and very delicious recipe for peach crisp. I am lucky to have a good friend like Judi and I really appreciate her taking time to make gluten free foods for me! We had such a great time that evening at dinner. It was my favorite type of meal....casual, fun & delicious! I guess I am just a country girl at heart. I prefer jeans and a geek t-shirt over formal clothing AND I definitely prefer a crisp or cobbler over a fancy dinner party any day!

Now, I just have to get the delicious BBQ Pulled pork recipe from her. That was SO YUMMY! I ate so much of it I thought I would bust!

For camping: I just mix the "crisp" topping ingredients (except for the butter) in advance and put in a large ziplock bag. I used canned peaches (Drain some of the juice. Usually they are sweet enough without adding any additional sugar). You can cook in a dutch oven or I like to put in clean individual soup cans (without the white lining. Just the cheap ones but just make sure that the edges are not sharp! I spray lightly with cooking spray and put a few peaches in the bottom of each can . Add the soft butter (or coconut oil) to the ziplock bag then sprinkle on top of the peaches. Put over the coals of your fire on on your gas grill on the low setting (temperature should be about 350 degrees).

Enjoy your day!
Gluten Free Casually

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