Sunday, June 29, 2014

Chicken Pizza Roll-Ups

Chicken Pizza Roll-Ups. These have been a favorite in my family since my kids were little. I re-designed one of my mom's traditional recipes that had chicken stuffed with spinach and cheese and made one with pepperoni & cheese instead. I love to serve it with pasta (I use gluten free pasta). These are actually pretty easy to make and so much flavor!

You can pound out chicken breasts fairly thin and then stuff them with basically anything you want. Pizza stuffed ones are my favorite but I do like spinach & cheese, ham and cheese, basil and cheese or green chiles and cheese. You can serve them plain or add sauces like: Spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, enchilada sauce, cheese sauce, etc. Again, I like recipes that you can customize for the occasion. You can also substitute lean pork or thinly sliced boneless steak for this recipe. If you want to keep this recipe "low carb" then you can leave the coating off the chicken. It will still taste great!

I figure since I have done a lot of dessert recipes (my favorite!) on the blog this month...I had to add at least one recipe for a main dish! I can't have you all thinking that I live off of junk food! Although I absolutely love sweets...I try to eat them in moderation and eat healthy food most of the time. I will confess that I love baking though. I love the way it makes my house smell and just leaves me with a happy feeling. I find it to be a stress reliever. I just wish the cleaning fairy would clean up the mess after I am done! If I am can find me in the kitchen at least 75% of the time. I guess I need to get my own cooking show...that way I can be happy cooking & someone else would clean up my mess! :)  A girl can dream...right?! ;)

Chicken Pizza Roll-Ups Recipe:
  • 4-6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (you can substitute boneless lean pork or steak)
  • 20-30 regular sized, thin pepperoni slices (about 4-5 slices per chicken piece)
  • 4-6 slices of thinly sliced salami (optional. I love salami but you don't have to add it. 1 slice per chicken breast)
  • 8-12 tbs. shredded mozarella cheese (or Italian blend) shredded cheese (2 tbs. per chicken piece)
  • 1/2 cup crushed gluten free bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, potato chip crumbs or gluten free flour
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg (for dipping the chicken on for coating. If you have an egg allergy then just use a little oil instead. If you aren't adding the topping (bread crumbs & parmesan cheese) then just skip the egg.

Pound out the chicken breasts until thin. I put my chicken on a cutting board and put plastic wrap on top of the chicken so when I pound it out...the chicken doesn't splash anywhere. I am speaking from experience is absolutely disgusting to clean up little pieces of raw chicken splatter. Do yourself a favor and take a minute for this extra step. It is worth it! Pound out the chicken with either a meat tenderizer tool or use a rolling pin or hammer. Keep in mind you want the chicken thin but not in minced pieces! Don't over beat it!

My chicken breasts before I pounded them out

My chicken breasts after they were pounded out thin but not minced!

Take 4-5 pieces of pepperoni and layer on each chicken breast. Cut the salami in half and layer those pieces on top of the pepperoni. Sprinkle about 2 tbs. of shredded cheese on top of salami.

Ready to start rolling the chicken breasts

Start rolling each chicken breast. I start with the narrow edge and then work towards the fat edge. It will keep the insides from leaking out. I secure with wooden toothpicks to keep them from unrolling during the cooking. Break the egg (I keep the egg shell for my garden) and beat the egg in a bowl until frothy. This will be your "egg wash". Combine the bread crumbs (or whatever crumbs you are using. If you are gluten free...please make sure you are using gluten free crumbs!) with the grated parmesan cheese. This will be your coating if you are using it. If you are doing "low carb" just skip the egg wash & coating portion of the recipe. Dip the chicken roll into the egg wash and then into the crumb-cheese coating.  Bake in a baking dish covered with foil in pre-heated 375 degree oven for about 30 minutes. I remove foil and then bake additional 8-10 minutes until the coating starts to brown and get crunchy. If you are skipping the coating then you don't need to remove foil.

Just removing them from the oven

Serving them with gluten free pasta & salad for dinner

Up close view

View of the inside of the chicken pizza roll-ups

This recipe is easy, affordable & delicious. Everyone will love it...even your non-gluten free friends! These also freeze great. I like to make extras and throw them in the freezer for busy nights so we can just re-heat and eat.

I hope you enjoy one of our family favorites as much as we do!

Gluten Free Casually

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